Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

BPCVid.Power Event

The Power event indicates that the Video Access server has received a Windows power-management event. Visual Basic syntax is shown.

Private Sub object_Power(wParam As Long)


Object expression that resolves to a BPCVid object.
Event notification message that is part of the Windows WM_POWERBROADCAST message received.
Value Meaning
PBT_APMBATTERYLOW Battery power is low.
PBT_APMOEMEVENT An OEM-defined event has occurred.
PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE The power status has changed; that is, the power has been turned on or off.
PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND A process has requested permission to suspend operation.
PBT_APMQUERYSUSPENDFAILED A suspension request has been denied.
PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC Operation is resuming automatically to handle an event. The user is not present.
PBT_APMRESUMECRITICAL Operation is resuming after a critical suspension.
PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND Operation is resuming after a suspension.
PBT_APMSUSPEND The operating system is suspending operation.


  Windows NT/2000: Unsupported.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
  Header: Declared in vidsvr.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in vid.ocx.

See Also

BPCVid, BPCVid.StateChange