Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Video Control Reference

The following sections document the programmatic interfaces of the Microsoft® ActiveX® control for video (the Video control, Vid.ocx) and the Video Access server, Vidsvr.exe. These reference topics assume use by developers in the Microsoft® Visual Basic® development system and Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) scripting language. Therefore, only Visual Basic language syntax is shown.

The following classes are provided by the MSBPCVideo object library, Vid.ocx.

Class Description
BPCVid Creates a Video control object.
BPCDevices Creates a collection of all available devices on a computer.
BPCDeviceBase Creates an object that contains information about a device.
BPCSuspend Creates an object that can be used to suspend the Video Access server and cause the server to release all devices.
BPCSuspended Creates an object that indicates whether the Video Access server is suspended.
BPCVBIControl Creates an object that sets or retrieves the channel and tuning space over which a tuner receives the VBI signal.

Note that the Video control contains several reserved classes. For more information on these, see Reserved Classes in the Video Control.