Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Setting an Output Device

You can also use the Video control to send video streams to an output device. For example, your application can record a television broadcast by setting a tuner card as the input device and a VCR as the output device.

Note  Broadcast Architecture does not support infrared frequency transmission, such as might be used to emulate a remote control signal and thus control consumer electronic devices. Although you can programmatically tune the tuner device to the correct channel and time for a VCR or other output device to record a show, you cannot use Broadcast Architecture to control an infrared device that turns on the VCR and starts recording. A user has to do this manually or use a separate application to send an infrared signal to the VCR.

Setting an output device is similar to setting an input device, but instead of using the BPCVid.Input property your application uses the BPCVid.Output property.

The following example searches the Devices collection for a device that supports output. When one is found, the example sets that device as the output device.

For Each Device In vid.Devices
  If Device.IsOutput Then
    vid.Output = Device
    Exit For
  End If