Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Event Notification

The Video control sends to the container or application hosting the control events that describe user actions performed on the control and changes in the Video Access server or device state. For example, the BPCVid.DblClick event occurs when a user double-clicks inside the control.

The Video control uses events to resolve contention over devices by different control instances. It uses the BPCVid.GotControl and BPCVid.LostControl methods to notify applications when they gain or lose control of a particular device. For more information on contention resolution, see Device Contention.

To handle the event notifications sent by the Video control to its container, your application must implement event-handler methods for those events. For example, the following script, written in Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), handles the DblClick event for an instance of the Video control named vid.

Sub vid_DblClick
    MsgBox "Received a DblClick event."
End Sub