Technologies and Products in BDG Solutions

In addition to the BDG's "scenarios" (its main sample applications), the design of three other sample applications is also described briefly. The Documentation Review Tool, Island Hopper News, and the Fitch & Mather Expense Reporting Tool are presented as a high-level discussion in BackOffice Solutions.

For more information about Island Hopper News, see the Microsoft® Visual Studio® version 6.0 Enterprise Edition documentation. This application is also discussed in detail in Mastering Enterprise Development Using Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0, a CD-ROM available from Microsoft Press®.

The following table provides links to the Microsoft products, tools, and technologies used to build the "solutions" (applications discussed at a high level) in the BDG.

Products and Technologies in BDG Solutions

BackOffice Server 4.0 products Solution A:
Documentation Review Tool
Solution B:
Island Hopper News
Solution C:
Expense Reporting Tool
Exchange Server 5.5 No No No
SNA Server 4.0 No No No
SQL Server™ 6.5 Yes. See How the Documentation Review Tool Uses BackOffice. Yes. See Data Access in Island Hopper News. Yes. See How the Expense Reporting Tool Uses BackOffice.
Systems Management Server 1.2 No No No
Windows NT® and Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack      
Windows NT Server Yes Yes Yes
Certificate Server No No No
Index Server No No No
Internet Information Server 4.0 Yes. See How the Documentation Review Tool Uses BackOffice. Yes Yes
Message Queue Server No Yes No
Proxy Server No No No
Site Server 3.0 No No No
Transaction Server 2.0 Yes Yes. See Component Design in Island Hopper News. Yes
Key Microsoft products and technologies      
Active Directory Service Interfaces No No Yes
Active Server Pages Yes. See Documentation Review Tool's Evolving Design. Yes Yes
Active Template Library No No Yes
ActiveX® Data Objects Yes Yes Yes
Collaboration Data Objects No No No
Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server Yes. See How the Documentation Review Tool Uses BackOffice. No Yes
Component Object Model Yes Yes. See Component Design in Island Hopper News. Yes. See Expense Reporting Tool Components.
Internet Explorer 4.01 Yes Yes Yes
Remote Data Services No Yes Yes
SMTP Service Yes No Yes
Development tools      
Dynamic HTML Yes Yes No
Extensible Markup Language No No Yes
JScript® No Yes Yes
Visual Basic 6.0 Yes Yes Yes
Visual Basic Scripting Edition Yes Yes Yes
Visual C++® 6.0 No Yes Yes
Visual Interdev™ 6.0 Yes Yes Yes
Visual J++® 6.0 No No Yes
Microsoft Office products      
Access No No No
Excel No No Yes
FrontPage® No No No
Outlook® No No No
PowerPoint® No No No
Word No No No