<%@ Language=VBScript Transaction=Required %>
<% ' Copyright 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file="tablemgr.asp"-->
<script LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server>
Sub ReportError(strError)
Response.Write "<" & "script LANGUAGE=""VBScript"">" & vbCrLf & "MsgBox """ & _
Replace(strError,vbCrLf,"") & """, vbCritical, ""Error""" & vbCrLf & "<" & "/script>"
End Sub
<% Dim strTableName,strSearch,optSearch,newSearch
Dim cbAV,cbBook,cbPrd,cbRef,cbSoft
Dim count,joinStrings,joinValues,index,checkString
Dim WhereClz()
'---checks if the entry is done from user to radiobuttons or is it using session variables
newSearch = CStr(Request.QueryString("newSearch"))
'--- Yes signifies that its new search done by the user and not to use session variables
'--- otherwise it assumes that user has clicked the refresh button to refresh the page
'--- and in this case it has to use session variables
If newSearch = "Yes" Then
strSearch = CStr(Request.QueryString("CurrentWord"))
optSearch = CInt(Request.QueryString("optSearch"))
'--- Get selected collections from QueryString
cbAV = CInt(Request.QueryString("cbAV"))
cbBook = CInt(Request.QueryString("cbBook"))
cbPrd = CInt(Request.QueryString("cbPrd"))
cbRef = CInt(Request.QueryString("cbRef"))
cbSoft = CInt(Request.QueryString("cbSoft"))
End If
If Not (IsEmpty(strSearch) Or strSearch="") Then
Dim oSearch, iCounter
'--- Save IFRAME location for refresh
Session("LastPage") = "search.asp?CurrentWord=" & strSearch
Session("SearchWord")= strSearch
Session("optSearch") = optSearch
Session("cbAV") = cbAV
Session("cbBook") = cbBook
Session("cbPrd") = cbPrd
Session("cbRef") = cbRef
Session("cbSoft") = cbSoft
joinStrings = Array("AV","Book","Prd","Ref","Soft")
joinValues = Array(cbAV,cbBook,cbPrd,cbRef,cbSoft)
'--- Make an array of the selected document types, for passing to Search function
index = 0
For count = 0 to UBound(joinValues)
If joinValues(count) Then
Redim Preserve WhereClz(index)
WhereClz(index) = joinStrings(count)
index = index + 1
End if
checkString = Join(whereClz)
If IsEmpty(checkString) or checkString="" Then ReportError "Please include at least one collection type for your search"
'--- Pick a number from 1 to 100
iCounter = CInt(Rnd * 100) + 1
strTableName = "srch" & Now() & iCounter
strTableName = Replace(strTableName, " ", "")
strTableName = Replace(strTableName, "-", "")
strTableName = Replace(strTableName, "/", "")
strTableName = Replace(strTableName, ":", "")
'MsgBox "strTableName = " & Table
'--- Store table name now for dropping later...
AddSearchTable strTableName
Session("TblName") = strTableName
Set oSearch = Server.CreateObject("CML.Search")
oSearch.SearchString = strSearch
oSearch.ConnectionString = Application("FmLib_ConnectionString")
oSearch.ConnectionTimeout = Application("ConnectionTimeout")
On Error Resume Next
oSearch.CreateTable strTableName, whereClz, optSearch, ftsContains
Set oSearch = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ReportError Err.Description
' Called when re-doing current search
strTableName = Session("TblName")
strSearch = Session("SearchWord")
optSearch = Session("optSearch")
cbAV = Session("cbAV")
cbBook = Session("cbBook")
cbPrd = Session("cbPrd")
cbRef = Session("cbRef")
cbSoft = Session("cbSoft")
If IsEmpty(strTableName) or strTableName = "" Then
optSearch =cbAV = cbBook = cbprd =cbRef = cbSoft = 1
ReportError("Yours session has timed out. Previous search results are no longer available")
End If
End If
<title>Searching for: <%= strSearch %></title>
<script Language=VBScript>
<!-- #include file="" -->
Dim nRet,RDS
' If search request will interrupt current query, ask user to cancel
If Parent.RDS_SearchResults.ReadyState <> adcReadyStateComplete Then
nRet = MsgBox("Cancel current query results?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)
If nRet = vbYes Then
End If
nRet = vbYes
End If
If nRet = vbYes Then
Set RDS = Parent.RDS_SearchResults
If <%=optSearch%> = 1 Then
Parent.cbTitle.checked = true
Elseif <%=optSearch%> = 2 Then
Parent.cbAuthor.checked = true
Parent.cbSubject.checked = true
End if
Parent.SetCheckBoxes <%= cbAV%>,<%= cbBook%>,<%= cbPrd %>,<%= cbRef %>,<%= cbSoft %>
Parent.ShowSortBy(RDS.SortColumn) = ""
Parent.txtWord.Value = "<%= strSearch%>"
Parent.CurrentPage = 1
' Instruct RDS control to retrieve search results from table of results
RDS.ExecuteOptions = adcExecAsync
RDS.FetchOptions = adcFetchAsync
RDS.Server = "http://<%= Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>"
RDS.Connect = "<%= Application("FmLib_ConnectionString") %>"
RDS.SQL = "SELECT * FROM <%= strTableName %> ORDER BY PubDate"
End If