Designing the CML Database

The ability to easily and efficiently search the Corporate Media Library (CML) database is a primary requirement of the application. The library has many titles, and the employees need to be able to locate material of interest without assistance. The subject and author tables are added to the database to expand searching capabilities. In addition, the application uses the full-text search extension of Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 to implement textual searches of database fields. The database discussion in this section is limited to the subject of enhancing the ability to search the CML database. Additional CML database information is presented in the Database Design topic.


All library data is stored in the tables of one relational data store, the CML SQL Server database. The CML Data-Services Tier section describes the design and relationships of the table objects in the CML database. Attributes for each table are defined. The Database Design topic discusses the CML tables and table attributes in detail.

Full-Text Search

The full-text search feature of SQL Server 7.0 implements the CML database search by keywords. The Full-Text Search section describes the design of full-text search in the CML application. The user has the option to search by title, subject, or author. Each search option is in a different SQL Server table. The title option searches the title column in the title table, the subject option searches the text column in the subject table, and the author option searches the fname and lname columns in the author table. Users can define searches using AND, OR, and NEAR. The default operator among keywords is AND. Searches with a wildcard (*) are also available.