Designing Overdue Notice Delivery

Two important administrative functions of the Corporate Media Library (CML) application ensure that titles are returned to the library and that titles are recalled when requests for them are pending. These functions create and send overdue notices and recall notices.

Overdue Notices

To keep the F & M library operating, overdue notices need to be sent to delinquent borrowers to request return of library materials. The process must be automatic but need not necessarily be a part of the CML application Web interface. The Stored Procedures and CML Stored Procedures topics describe how overdue notices are created and mailed to delinquent borrowers.

Design considerations for overdue notices are:

Recall Notices

The library administrator needs the ability to recall library items at any time. When a borrower submits a request for a title that has no copies available, the administrator needs to be able to run a process that creates and sends e-mail messages requesting that copies of the requested title be returned. The Stored Procedures topic describes how recall notices are created and mailed.

Design considerations for recall notices are:

Note  Although recall notices were designed for the CML application, this feature was not completely implemented. See Known CML Issues for more information.