Microsoft Exchange and the CML

The Microsoft® Exchange directory stores and manipulates information about an organization's Exchange Server directory objects, such as recipients, distribution lists, public folders, and services. The Corporate Media Library (CML) application uses F & M's Exchange Server directory information to validate borrowers and supply pertinent data to the CML SQL Server™ database borrower table.

Every valid borrower has an e-mail address. At a user's first checkout request a record for the borrower is added to the CML SQL Server database borrower table and the borrower's e-mail address is captured. The overdue notice and recall notice processes of the CML application use information in a SQL Server table to address e-mail notifications. The CML application uses a SQL Server extended stored procedure, xp_sendmail, to mail library overdue and recall notices. The xp_sendmail procedure creates a MAPI session, making all MAPI calls available to the procedure.

Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) is an alternative technology for building messaging into the CML application. For example, CDO and Active Server Pages enable you to add script to a Web site to provide support for creating, sending, and receiving e-mail.