Installation Procedures for BackOffice Server 4.0

The total amount of disk space required to install all the BackOffice Server 4.0 products is about 645 MB to 815 MB, depending on whether you install Systems Management Server and SNA Server. Additional disk space may be required for SQL Server™ database storage, Proxy Server cache, and Exchange Server mail storage.

Before Setup begins installing products, you will be able to customize the installation to meet your unique requirements. You can choose to add or remove products from the installation, or to change default settings (such as folder locations).

The Fitch & Mather team installed the following BackOffice Server 4.0 products:

The F & M team also installed SQL Server version 7.0 because one of the many new features it includes is an elegant indexing solution. To install SQL Server 7.0, see Installing SQL Server 7.0