Specifying Application Settings

The final installation step is to modify the CML application settings as appropriate for your organization.

To change CML application settings

  1. Open Internet Explorer and enter http://<servername>/FmLib in the Address field.
  2. Click Log On on the application home page. The Administration menu appears.
  3. Click Change Application Settings. The Application Settings page appears.
  4. In the Server text box, Enter the name of the Exchange Server computer in your organization that provides messaging services to users of the CML. Also, enter Organization and Site information to reflect the organization and site to which this Exchange Server computer belongs.
  5. (Optional) If your Exchange Server installation does not allow anonymous LDAP, enter the Admin Account name and Admin Password in the text boxes provided.
  6. The Default Domain Name setting is used when sending overdue notifications from SQL Server. Modify this setting as appropriate for your organization's e-mail domain.
  7. (Optional) Modify the remaining application settings as appropriate. See Changing Application Settings for more information on the purpose of these settings.
  8. Click the Update Settings button to save your changes.