Scheduling Automatic Overdue Notices

The following procedure shows how to schedule overdue notifications. The notifications are sent using SQLMail, and addresses and locations are obtained from the Exchange Server setup.

To schedule automatic overdue notices

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, and then click Enterprise Manager. The SQL Server Enterprise Manager appears.
  2. Expand the SQL Server Group and then expand the server on which the FmLib database is installed.
  3. Within that server, expand the SQL Server Agent subfolder of the Management folder.
  4. Right-click Jobs and select New Job.
  5. In the Name text field of the dialog box, enter a name for the new job, for example "Overdue Notices".
  6. Click the Steps tab.
  7. Click New. The New Job Step dialog box is displayed.
  8. In the Step Name text field, type a name such as "Send Notices".
  9. Select FmLib from the Database drop-down list box.
  10. Type fm_admin_overdue_notices in the Command edit box.
  11. Click the Advanced tab.
  12. Enter a name for the Output file to capture a daily list of notices sent.
  13. Click OK to close the New Job Stepdialog box.
  14. Click the Schedules tab.
  15. Click New Schedule. The New Job Schedule dialog box is displayed.
  16. In the Name text box, enter a name for the schedule, for example "Overdue Schedule".
  17. Click Change to display the Edit Recurring Job Schedule dialog box.
  18. In the Occurs group box, click Daily.
  19. In the Daily frequency group box, click Occurs once at and specify 12:00 AM.
  20. In the Duration group box, enter a date in the Start date field and click No end date.
  21. Click OK to close the Edit Recurring Job Schedule dialog box.
  22. Click OK to close the New Job Schedule dialog box.
  23. Click OK to close the New Job Properties dialog box.