Intrinsic Objects

Certain objects known as intrinsic objects are built in to the programming environment or the scripting languages. The specific ways intrinsic objects are used by the CML application are described in the sections of this document that present the CML code. For general information on intrinsic objects, refer to the following paragraphs.

Document Object Model Objects

Default client-side objects are those offered by the Document Object Model, and they are described in books that teach dynamic HTML (DHTML) or programming for Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0. You can query for "Document Object Model" in the Microsoft Platform SDK. Also see the Internet Client SDK; you can find its link on the Recommended Web Sites page.

ASP Objects

Active Server Pages (ASP) offers server-side objects that can be accessed from either of the scripting languages, VBScript (Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition) or Microsoft JScript®. These objects (Application, Session, Request, Response, Server, and ObjectContext) are typically described in detail in books that teach ASP programming.

Scripting Objects

The CML application uses several scripting objects — objects built in to the programming languages JavaScript and VBScript, including the Dictionary object and the Err object. For example code, see TableMgr.asp. These objects are typically described in books that teach scripting languages or ASP programming.