Instantiating the UserInfo Object
The UserInfo object is instantianted with an HTML <object> tag in the file Library.asp:
<object id="UserInfo"
height="0" width="0" VIEWASTEXT>
When using the <object> tag you can specify several parameters, including:
- classid= the name of the object as it will be represented in the client's system registry after it is installed. See Building and Using Components.
- codeBase= the path on the server to the CAB file, the file that holds the DLL of the COM component. This tag also specifies a version number after the pound sign (#). If the version of this DLL file on the local computer is different from the DLL file's version on the server (as specified in this tag), the download of the CAB file is initiated again. If they are identical, or if the one on the local computer is more recent, no additional download takes place. This process is not coded within the CML application; it is handled automatically in communication between Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Information Server.

Note During application development, when you update and recompile a DLL, you must also modify the version tag in the HTML to make sure the correct version of the component (for example, the UserInfo component) will be used on the client. See Building and Using Components.