CML application administrators can renew checked-out items for library users. To do this, they first click Renew Materials on the Administration Menu page. This runs Renew.asp.
On this page, the library administrator enters an alias (user name) for the borrower who wants to renew materials. Renew.asp also displays a form called frmRenew that displays a proposed new renewal date to the administrator. This new date is the sum of the current date and the default checkout period set on the Application Settings page (see Changing Application Settings):
<input name="RenewDate" VALUE="<%= DateAdd("d",Application("CheckoutPeriod"),Date) %>">
This form also displays the title, current checkout date, and current due date for one checkout for one borrower. The administrator can accept the proposed renewal date or type a different one. After the administrator clicks the Renew Selected Materials button, the Renew method of the Admin component is invoked.
The Renew method passes the barcode and duedate of the checked-out item to the fm_admin_renew stored procedure, which changes the due date in the FmLib database, thus renewing the checkout.