About the TableQueue Object

Like the MTSEnvironment object, the TableQueue object exposes no methods or properties outside the scope of the CML application. The other server-side components of the CML application can instantiate the TableQueue object and invoke its methods, but it is visible only to them. For this reason, it is simply an object, not a COM component.

TableQueue Properties and Methods

Properties and methods Description
ConnectionString The OLE DB connection string.
ConnectionTimeout The maximum time in seconds to wait for a database connection.
Length Returns the number of requests in the queue for a given library item.
Position Returns the queue location of a specific request by a specific user.
Enqueue Adds to the queue a request for a library item.
Dequeue Calls the stored procedure fm_queue_dequeue to remove the next request from the queue. This checks out the requested item.
Cancel Calls the stored procedure fm_queue_cancel to remove (cancel) a request from the queue.