Admin Interface Properties and Methods

The Admin object's CML-specific functionality is provided by the Admin interface. This interface has the following methods and properties:

Properties and methods Description
ConnectionString The OLE DB connection string.
ConnectionTimeout The maximum time to wait for a database connection.
Available Returns a recordset listing the library items for the specified bib# that are available for checkout.
CheckIn Calls the fm_admin_checkin stored procedure to check in a library item, given its barcode and DueDate. This method calls the ConnectionString method of the TableQueue object to locate the next request in the queue for that person.
CheckOut Assigns library materials to a borrower, and returns the item number (the unique identifier for a library item) of items checked out.
LookupBarcode Looks up the barcode in the item table and returns a bib#.
QueueLength Calls the Length method of the TableQueue object to return the queue length (number of requests) for a given title.
Renew Calls the fm_admin_renew stored procedure to extend the length of time a library item can remain checked out.
Requests Returns a recordset containing a list of requested titles.
UpdateItem Calls the fm_admin_update_item stored procedure to update information about an item in the FmLib database.
UpdateTitle Calls the fm_admin_update_title stored procedure to update information about a title in the FmLib database.

For more information about these properties and methods, see Admin Object in the CML Object Reference.