BDG Scenario 2


<%@ Language=VBScript Transaction=Required %>
<% ' Copyright 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% Response.Buffer = TRUE %>
<% Response.Expires = 0 %>
<title>Request Item</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../_Themes/fm/theme.css">    

   On Error Resume Next
   parent.ClearAllDivs = "" = ""

   Dim szLogonName, szBibNumber, nBibNumber, szTitle
    szLogonName = CStr(Request("Logon"))

    ' First get the Bib Number to work with.
    szBibNumber = Request("BibNo")
    If IsEmpty(szBibNumber) Or szBibNumber="" Then
       Response.Write "ERROR: Missing BibNo."
       nBibNumber = CLng(szBibNumber)
       If nBibNumber = 0 Then
          Response.Write "ERROR: Invalid BibNo specified."
       End If
    End If

   Dim Requestor, nBorrowerID
    SET Requestor = Server.CreateObject("CML.User")
    Requestor.ConnectionString = Application("FmLib_ConnectionString")
    nBorrowerID = Session("BorrowerID")
    If nBorrowerID = 0 Then
       '--- Update borrower information from exchange
       nBorrowerID = Requestor.UpdateInfoFromExchange(Application("ExchangeServer"), Application("ExchangeOrg"), _
                                                      Application("ExchangeSite"), szLogonName)
       If nBorrowerID = 0 Then
          Response.Write "<strong>Can't find '" & szLogonName & "' in Exchange directory...</strong>" & _
                         "<br>Checkout requests are not allowed. Please contact <a href=""mailto:" & Application("DefaultContactEmail")& "@" & Application("DefaultDomainName") & """>the Library</a>."
          Session("BorrowerID") = nBorrowerID
          '--- Since UpdateInfoFromExchange calls SetComplete, we lose all
          '--- our user settings when MTS destroys the object.  Let's call
          '--- up the information one more time.
          Requestor.GetInfoFromTable nBorrowerID
          Session("Location") = Requestor.Location
       End If
    End If
    '--- Get current length of request queue
    Dim nWaitListCount, szWaitlist0, szWaitlist1, szWaitlist3
    Requestor.Position nBibNumber, nWaitListCount, nBorrowerID

   IF nWaitListCount >= 1 THEN
        szWaitlist0 = "The requested materials are currently checked out.  <BR>"
        szWaitlist1 = "You will be #" & CStr(nWaitListCount+1) & " on the wait list. <BR>"
        szWaitlist3 = "As soon as a copy is available, it will be delivered to you."
        szWaitlist0 = "<BR>The library will notify you when these materials have been sent. <BR>"
        szWaitlist1 = "For immediate assistance <a href=""mailto:" & Application("DefaultContactEmail") & "@" & Application("DefaultDomainName") & """>e-mail the Library.</a><BR>"
        szWaitlist3 = ""
    END IF
<form NAME="PostRequest" METHOD="POST" ACTION="requestok.asp?Logon=<% = szLogonName %>&amp;bib=<%=nBibNumber%>">
    <div style="margin-left:50" width=100%>
    <table class="standard">
            <td ALIGN="Center" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="600">
                <div style="margin-left:20; font-size: 24pt; color: #ffcc00; text-decoration:none;font-style:italic; font-family: Franklin Gothic Demi,arial">Request this Title?</div><br>
                <a CLASS="BlueLink" HREF="javascript:DoLong('<%= nBibNumber %>')" ALT="Full Description"><%= szTitle %></a></strong></font><br>
                <% = szWaitlist0 %>
                <% = szWaitlist1 %>
                <% = szWaitlist3 %>
                <p>Delivery location for this request:<br>
                <input name="txtLocation" type="text" size="50" value="<%= Session("Location") %>">
                <p>Notes to the library about this request:<br>
                <input name="txtCustomerComment" type="text" size="50"> 
                <p>Click <input TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="../images/gobutton.gif" ALT="Make Request" BORDER="0" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="25" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE> </b> to make your request.

