BDG Scenario 2


Option Explicit

Dim Critique_Status
On Error Resume Next
Critique_Status = False
Function Item_Open()
  Dim MyPage
  'Choose the default option of radio button to load image
  Set MyPage = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Message")
  Select Case Item.UserProperties("Media").Value 
     Case "Book"
    set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Book").Picture
     Case "Audio/Video"
    set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("AV").Picture
     Case "Periodicals"
    set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Prd").Picture
     Case "Software"
    set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Soft").Picture
  End Select

  'To Resize the Message Control Vertically

End Function

'This event is fired when value of custom property changes
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

  Dim MyPage
  Set MyPage=Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Message") 
  Select Case Name
     Case "Item Title"
        If Not Critique_Status   then
            Item.UserProperties("Subject").Value="Critique of: " & Item.UserProperties("Item Title").Value
        End If
     Case "Media"
       Select Case Item.UserProperties("Media").Value 
             Case "Book"
          Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Book").Picture
          Case "Audio/Video"
            Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("AV").Picture
          Case "Periodicals"
            Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Prd").Picture
          Case "Software"
            Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Soft").Picture

          End Select
   End Select
End Sub

'This event is fired when the standard property like subject,from,to is changed
Sub Item_PropertyChange(ByVal Name)
    Dim TempString
     Select Case Name
        Case "Subject"
        TempString = "Critique of: " & Item.UserProperties("Item Title").Value
        If TempString <> UserProperties("Subject").Value then 
            Critique_Status = True
        End If
      Case Else
      End Select
End Sub

'Event is called when User hits the post button 
Function Item_Write()
    Dim Mypage
       If Item.UserProperties("AuthName").Value = "<Last,First>"  or Item.UserProperties("AuthName").Value ="" then
        Item.UserProperties("AuthName").Value="Not Mentioned"
    End If
    If Item.UserProperties("Tech Level").Value= "<Select Rating>" then
        Item.UserProperties("Tech Level").Value="Not Rated"
    End If
    If Item.UserProperties("Job Relevance").Value="<Select Rating>" then
        Item.UserProperties("Job Relevance").Value ="Not Rated"
    End If
    If Item.UserProperties("Clarity Rating").Value="<Select Rating>" then
        Item.UserProperties("Clarity Rating").Value = "Not Rated"
    End If 
    'To attach the text to body property of postItem
    Item.HTMLbody = "<i> " & Item.UserProperties("CritiqueText").Value & "</i>"
    Set MyPage = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Message")
    Select Case Item.UserProperties("Media").Value
       Case "Book"
        Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Book").Picture
       Case "Audio/Video"
        Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("AV").Picture
       Case "Periodicals"
        Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Prd").Picture
       Case "Software"
        Set MyPage.imgMedia.Picture = MyPage.ImageList1.ListImages("Soft").Picture
    End Select

    'Concatenating the strings into one field 
    Item.UserProperties("LongAuthor").value = "by " & Item.UserProperties("AuthName").value
    Item.UserProperties("LongMedia").value  = Item.UserProperties("Media").value & " reviewed by "  & Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser & " on " & Now()
End Function

Function Item_CustomAction(ByVal Action, ByVal NewItem)
    MsgBox "CUSTOMACTION: " & Action
    MsgBox "NEWITEM: " & NewItem
End Function