BDG Scenario 2


If Exists (Select * From sysobjects Where name = N'fm_admin_send_recall' And user_name(uid) = N'dbo')
    Drop Procedure dbo.fm_admin_send_recall

CREATE Procedure fm_admin_send_recall
    @borrowerNo integer,
    @bibNo integer
    declare @fname varchar(64)
    declare @lname varchar(64)
    declare @fullname varchar(128)
    declare @alias varchar(50)
    declare @title varchar(255)
    declare @domain varchar(128)

    select @alias = alias, @fname = fname, @lname = lname from borrower where borrower# = @borrowerNo
    select @fullname  = @lname + ',' + @fname 
    select @title = title from title where bib# = @bibNo
    create table ##TEMP (c1 varchar(80))
    insert into ##TEMP values(@fname + ',')
    insert into ##TEMP values('The following book is requested by other person: ') 
    insert into ##TEMP values(@title)
    insert into ##TEMP values('Please return the book to the library at your earliest convenience.')
    insert into ##TEMP values('Thanks')
    insert into ##TEMP values('The Library')
    select @domain = defaultdomainname from settings
    select @alias = @alias + '@' + @domain   

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = @alias, @query = 'SELECT RTRIM(c1) FROM ##TEMP',
         @subject = 'Automatic Recall Notice' , @no_output = 'TRUE',@no_header ='TRUE',
         @width = 80

    if @@ERROR = 0
       print 'Notice send to ''' + @fullname + ''' + @title ''' + @title + ''''
       print 'Failed to send notice to ''' + @fullname + '''. (Error ' + @@ERROR + ')'

    drop table ##TEMP
