BDG Scenario 2

LitCrit Library Reference

The reference pages in this section were generated from the file LitCrit.dll. After LitCrit.dll is downloaded onto a client computer, its default folder location is C:\WINNT\Downloaded Program Files\. This DLL contains the server-side Critique object. For information about the client-side Critique object, see LitCritC Library Reference and Critique Object.

For more information about these objects, methods, and properties, see the Implementation section.

Public Object

Critique {DA949BC8-F349-11D2-ABD6-0080C7665CC0}

Note  The GUID listed in the preceding table applies to the LitCrit.dll file that ships as a part of the CML/LitCrit application. If you recompile the source code for this DLL, it will acquire a new GUID unless component compatibility has been set. For more information see Building and Using Components.

This section contains syntax and parameter references for the following methods and properties of the server-side Critique Object.

ConnectionString Property

AddRecord Method

UpdateRecord Method

DeleteRecordByObjectID Method

DeleteRecordByCritiqueNo Method

BorrowerInfo Method