When you choose to make a critique available to the CML by clicking Yes in the Add Critique to Library dialog box, the Find Library Title dialog box appears. This dialog box provides a way to search the FmLib database and select the title you want to critique. The dialog box has two sections: The top section contains fields to enter search criteria (media type, title, and author name) and the bottom section displays the results of the executed search.
Note The Find Library Title dialog box was later renamed to Choose Title dialog box.
You can choose from three actions:
The Find Library Title dialog box is a Visual Basic form. When you click Find Now in the Find Library Title dialog box, code runs that calls a method in the Critique COM component and displays the frmChooseTitle Visual Basic form. LitCritC Client-Side DLL discusses in detail the implementation of Visual Basic forms from the LitCrit Outlook application. Using the Find Library Title Dialog Box describes how the Find Library Title dialog box works.