Enhancing Existing CML Web Pages

Several of the existing CML application Web pages require modifications to display information from critiques submitted from the Web or Outlook applications. The overall rating of titles is collected in all critiques and the CML displays this rating on the Search Results and Search Details Web pages. Several Web pages need buttons to provide convenient navigation to the new critique Web pages. A number of new settings fields need to be added to the Application Settings Web page to manage the critique features of the Outlook and Web applications.

Search Details Web Page

Search Results Web Page

Application Settings Web Page

Displaying the Rating Legend

To provide additional information about the meaning of the star ( ) representation of the overall rating and the average overall rating in critiques, a legend showing the four star ratings and their associated meanings needs to appear on the Search Details, Search Results, and Choose Critique Web pages. When you move the mouse pointer over the star graphic the legend appears. The position of the legend is dynamic and the legend always appears below the star graphic and left-aligns the legend with the star you point to. The legend also appears when you move the mouse over the words "Not reviewed", which replace the rating when a title has no critiques. The updated version of DSearch.asp and the new critiques.asp show you the lines of HTML, enclosed in DIV tags, that create and display the legend.