Adding an Invitation to Submit a Critique

When a borrower returns an item to the Fitch & Mather library, the critique-enhanced CML application checks whether the borrower has already made a critique of that item available to the library. If not, the application sends the borrower a message with the LitCrit Outlook form as an attachment, inviting the borrower to submit a critique of the item. The invitation is sent even if the borrower has submitted a critique to the LitCrit public folder without making it available to the library Web application. Submitting a Critique by Invitation describes step-by-step the process of submitting a critique in response to an invitation.

Invitation Message

The message that invites a borrower to submit a critique contains the enhanced LitCrit Outlook form as an attachment. The form is in add mode. The media type, title, and authors information is already filled in and cannot be changed, and the borrower can only submit a critique for the library item specified on the Outlook form. The message text explains why the message was sent and how to submit a critique. Critique submission is not required and there is no followup to the invitation. Designing the Compose Page and Changing the LitCrit Compose Page describe the details of the LitCrit form used to add critiques to the FmLib database.