Implementing Critique Approval

The CML/LitCrit application optionally implements an approval process for critiques. When the approval process is in effect the approver receives a message with the critique as an attachment on the message. The attachment is the enhanced LitCrit Outlook form in read-only mode. Designing the Read Page and Changing the LitCrit Read Page describe the details of the LitCrit read page. Approving or Rejecting a Critique describes step-by-step how the approval process works.

Approve/Reject Message

The message the approver receives with an attached critique is based on the Note message class. The advantage of using Note as a base class for the approval message is that Note has a built-in voting button functionality that is very easy to implement. To display voting buttons on the message you select the Use voting buttons check box in the Message Options dialog box and optionally select the labels for the voting buttons (the defaults are Accept and Reject). The administrator reads the critique and accepts or rejects it using the voting buttons. The subject, a standard field for the Note message class, contains the title of the critique. Binding Controls to Fields in the Enhanced LitCrit Form describes the advantages of using a standard field for the critique title.