Applying One Set of Business Rules
Data validation and business rules need to be uniformly applied in the LitCrit Outlook and CML applications. The step-by-step process described in Test-Driving CML/LitCrit Functionality shows you how the rules are applied.
The CML/LitCrit business rules are as follows:
- Rule 1. Require an entry in the item title field when you add a new critique. When the title entry is missing the Outlook and Web applications display identical alerts. If you are editing an existing critique, the item title field is read-only and displays the title you previously entered or selected from the FmLib database.
- Rule 2. Require an entry in the critique title field. The default critique title is the words "Critique of :" followed by the title of the item. When you remove the text from the field and the critique title is blank an alert appears. Outlook and Web applications display identical alerts.
- Rule 3. Require selection of an overall rating. The overall rating is selected from a drop-down list box and the first entry in the list is the instructive text, "<Select entry>". When you don't select a rating the selection entry is missing. Outlook and Web applications display identical alerts.
- Rule 4. Deny duplicate critiques of a title by a borrower in the FmLib database. The Outlook and Web applications enforce this rule differently. In Outlook, you have to select a title from the FmLib database using the Find Library Title dialog box or your critique is not added to the database. When you have already reviewed a title an icon is shown in the first column, and when you double-click that entry your previous critique is available for edit. In the Web application, you have already selected the title before you add or edit a critique. Adding a Critique from the CML describes how you search and select titles from the library. When you click Add Critique your previous critique is displayed in edit mode.
- Rule 5. Deny edits of critiques that are in the approval process. The Outlook and Web applications enforce this rule differently. In Outlook, when you select a title from the FmLib database using the Find Library Title dialog box, an icon in the first column and the grayed text of the title entry indicate that you cannot edit your critique at this time. In the Web application an alert appears, telling you "You cannot critique this title at this time" when you attempt to edit a critique that is in the approval process.
- Rule 6. Require a reviewer to have an account in the Exchange Server directory. An F & M employee must exist in the Exchange directory to submit critiques from the CML Web application. The borrower table in the FmLib database is updated with information from the Exchange directory.