When the Critique-Enhanced CML Is Missing
The enhanced LitCrit Outlook application can function in stand-alone mode when the critique-enhanced Corporate Media Library (CML) application is not installed, but with the following consequences:
- Add Critique to Library dialog box never appears. Since you do not have the option to share your critique with the critique-enhanced CML, the dialog box that offers the choice to share must not appear.
- Find Library Title dialog box never appears. When the FmLib SQL Server database (the version that is updated to include the Critique table) is not available, it makes no sense to allow the user to choose a title to critique from the Fitch & Mather library because the critique cannot be stored in the database.
- The option to select a default form from the LitCrit menu is not available. The Find Library Title dialog box never appears and the only form that can be displayed is the LitCrit Outlook form.
- Approval process cannot be implemented. The FmLib database Settings table that contains the Approval Required switch and the e-mail address of the approver is not available and it is not possible to know if approval is required or to whom to mail the critiques for approval.
- Borrowers will not be invited to critique library items when they return them to the library. This process is automatically launched when an administrator checks in a library item; the original version of the CML, released in Scenario 1, does not have this capability.