Designing LitCrit Views

Views give you different ways to look at information in a folder by putting it in different arrangements and formats. The standard views — Messages, Messages with AutoPreview, By Follow Up Flag, Last Seven, Flagged for Next Seven Days, By Conversation Topic, By Sender, Unread Messages, Sent To, and Message Timeline — are automatically created on the LitCrit public folder.

You can also create additional custom views using any or all of the custom-defined fields from the LitCrit form. The LitCrit Outlook form contains the following custom-defined fields:

A view is customarily grouped on at least one field and Outlook provides up to four levels of grouping when creating a view. All the LitCrit user-defined fields with the exception of the critique text field can become useful views. The critique text is not a good candidate for a view, because grouping on content that is not likely to repeat will create a large number of groups with one group member, negating the effect of using a group in the first place.

The F & M development team decided to define two new views for the LitCrit Outlook application: the Item Title view and the Critique Date view. Both are table-type views that display information in a grid of rows and columns, and you can choose the level of detail that appears in the view by adding or deleting columns in the view.