Submitting a Critique by Invitation
When a borrower returns a library item, the CML/LitCrit application checks to see if the borrower has submitted a critique of the item. If not, a message with an attached LitCrit critique form is delivered to the borrower's Inbox, inviting the borrower to review the item. The description section of the form is already filled in and is read-only. The critique is for the specified title only and it is not possible to submit a critique for a different title using this form. The CML/LitCrit application enforces the rule of limiting all reviewers to one critique per title in the FmLib database; no invitation message is sent if the borrower has previously reviewed the title.
To submit a critique by invitation
- Open the invitation message from the library administrator. The text explains why you received the message and the purpose of the attached form.
CML Critique Invitation message
- Double-click the LitCrit icon to open the critique form. As shown in the following illustration, the item's title and media type are not editable.
LitCrit Critique form
- Select ratings: Only the overall rating is required; selecting ratings in the other three categories is optional. Enter a critique title. The default is the title of the library item with the prefix "Critique of:". Optionally enter critique text.
- Click Post. Clicking this button does the following:
- Validates data. Mandatory data is validated (an overall rating must be selected and the critique title cannot be blank). You are prompted to provide missing information. Data validation is performed on the client, and when all required data is present, the form's data is sent to the Web server.
- Checks for automatic approval. The CML application checks the application setting that tells whether automatic approval of critiques is in effect. If so, the critique's data is added to the Critique table in the FmLib SQL Server database and, using CDO, posted to the LitCrit public folder. The isApproved field in the Critique table is set to True and the critique is immediately available for display in the CML application.
If automatic approval is not currently in effect, the critique's data is added to the Critique table in the FmLib SQL Server database, the isApproved field in the Critique table is set to False, and the CML application uses CDO to post the critique to the LitCrit public folder. An administrator must then evaluate the critique as described in Approving or Rejecting a Critique.
Note It is not necessary in this case to verify that the critique is unique because an invitation is sent only when no critique by the user exists.