Adding a New Critique in Outlook

(Note: You have just come from step 5 in Using the Find Library Title Dialog Box.)

This procedure is for adding a critique when you have not been asked to do so by an administrator; for that procedure, see Submitting a Critique by Invitation. In this procedure, you are either reviewing a title that is not in the FmLib database, or you closed the Find Library Title dialog box before it could determine whether the item you're reviewing is in that database. This procedure therefore does not include steps to determine whether you have already submitted a critique for this title.

To add a new critique in Outlook

  1. The Outlook LitCrit form is displayed for writing a new critique. The title, media type, and author information from the Find Library Title dialog box is copied to the New Critique form. Fill out the critique form. Select ratings: Only the overall rating is required; selecting ratings in the other three categories is optional. Optionally enter a critique title to replace the default critique title, which is the title of the library item. Optionally enter critique text.

    Outlook New Critique form

  2. Click Post.
  3. Mandatory data is validated: An overall rating must be selected, the item title must be present, and the critique title cannot be blank (although it can contain the default item title). You are prompted to provide missing information. Step 11 in Adding a Critique from the CML describes the data validation alerts. Data validation is performed on the client by the Outlook form. (Although this data validation was not originally required by the F & M book club, club members have tolerated it since the LitCrit application was connected to the CML application.)
  4. The critique is posted to the LitCrit public folder and the submittal process is complete.
Outlook New Critique Form Menus and Toolbars

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