CML/LitCrit Client-Side Objects

The CML/LitCrit application uses two client-side COM components and two other objects created in Microsoft Visual Basic®, as shown in the following table.

Object Description
UserInfo object The UserInfo COM component, present in the original CML application, returns information about the current user. It supports functionality of the application's Web pages, not its Outlook form.
Critique COM component. This COM component supports the Choose Title dialog box.
TitleMatch collection object This object exposes no public interfaces and therefore is not a COM component. TitleMatch is the parent container of FoundTitle objects.
FoundTitle object This object exposes no public interfaces and therefore is not a COM component. Each FoundTitle object contains information about one library title.

The new objects in this table exist in an ActiveX® client-side DLL, LitCritC.dll, which must be installed and registered on each client computer along with the LitCrit form (see Deployment.) This DLL contains three objects and one dialog box. Its contents are illustrated here:

Not shown in this diagram are the server-side objects of CML/LitCrit, which include those described in CML Components and Objects and New Method in the CML Search Component.

The following sections describe the client-side objects in the combined CML/LitCrit application: