Working with the CML Application and the FmLib Database

Business logic writes to and reads from the FmLib database, and supports user interaction with the Web interface of the CML application in the following ways:

Show Critique Status and Retrieve Critique Ratings

Through SQL calls to the FmLib database, business logic in ASP pages determines whether critiques for a given library item (uniquely specified by its bib#) exist, and informs the CML application's Web interface so that displayed choices are correct. It also reads and displays a library item's average rating, and lets users choose to read critique text retrieved from the LitCrit Exchange public folder. See Working with Exchange Public Folders and About the Critique COM Component.

Store Critique Ratings

Business logic implemented through the Microsoft Exchange Server Event Service retrieves ratings from each newly submitted Outlook critique form and stores them in the FmLib database on the data-services tier. See Using the Exchange Event Service.

Display Form for Critique Submission

When a borrower using a Web page of the CML application chooses to write a critique, business logic in ASP displays the proper HTML form for critique submission, and then processes the submitted critique. See Business Logic in the CML/LitCrit Application.

Note  The CML/LitCrit application, like the original CML application, uses stored procedures. Although stored procedures reside in the FmLib SQL Server database, they perform some business logic. The CML/LitCrit Implementation section describes their use.