The Server-Side Critique COM Component
The Critique component executes business logic for communicating between the CML/LitCrit application and the FmLib database. It helps the application perform the following tasks:
- Display the Web form for submitting a critique
- Retrieve and display critique text from Exchange Server
- Retrieve and display critique ratings from the FmLib database
- Show the status of critiques
Critique Component Properties
The server-side Critique COM component has the following properties:
- CurrentTitle. This property (Let, Get) stores the title whose critique or evaluation ratings are to be saved. Start out by initializing CurrentTitle (to ""?). If CurrentTitle is set, we know that it has been resolved. • AverageOverallRating. This property (Get, Let) retrieves and stores the value of the average of all ratings submitted so far for this title.
- StoreCritique. This property creates a new record for this critique, and writes its overall rating to the overall_rating column in the review table. It also retrieves the objectID of the posted message containing the critique text and writes it to the objectId column in the review table.