The Handler Customization File

This file contains customization settings for an RDS handler. The default location for this file is <sysroot>\Winnt on the Web server computer.

This file's structure requires a number of sections, including [connect name], [connect default], [sql name], and [sql default]. The settings in each section specify how the RDS handler object is to perform its query, which users have access to the database, and what kind of access each user has — NoAccess, ReadOnly, or ReadWrite.

For information on how this file was modified for use in the CML/LitCrit application, see Sections in the FmLibMap.ini File.

The customization file also lets you set default values for a database connection and for a SQL Server database name; these defaults are used if is not found.

Default Handler Customization File

The following code is the default handler .ini (customization) file, called MSDFMAP.INI. In this file, comments are set off by semicolons, keywords are specified in square brackets (but the order of sections delineated by keywords is not important), and commands or assignments follow the keywords to which they pertain.

;[connect name] will modify the connection if ADC.connect="name"
;[connect default] will modify the connection if name is not found
;[sql name] will modify the Sql if ADC.sql="name(args)"
;[sql default] will modify the Sql if name is not found
;Override strings: Connect, UserId, Password, Sql.
;Only the Sql strings support parameters using "?"
;The override strings must not equal "" or they are ignored
;A Sql entry must exist in each sql section or the section is ignored
;An Access entry must exist in each connect section or the section is ignored
;[userlist name] allows specific users to have special access
;The Access is computed as follows:
;  (1) First take the access of the connect section.
;  (2) If a user entry is found, it will override.

[connect default]
;If we want to disable unknown connect values, we set Access to NoAccess

[sql default]
;If we want to disable unknown sql values, we set Sql to an invalid query.
Sql=" "

[connect CustomerDatabase]

[sql CustomerById]
Sql="SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?"

[connect AuthorDatabase]

[userlist AuthorDatabase]

[sql AuthorById]
Sql="SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE au_id = ?"