CML/LitCrit and the Public Information Store
This information store contains public folders and messages that can be shared among Fitch & Mather employees and applications. This information store resides on the server and a single public store is shared by all users within a Microsoft Exchange Server organization, even if multiple servers are used. The LitCrit public folder is just one public folder in the Fitch & Mather Exchange Server public information store.
LitCrit Public Folder
Critiques submitted by Fitch & Mather employees using the LitCrit Outlook application or the critique-enhanced CML application are posted to the LitCrit public folder. The applications use public folder characteristics to:
- Route critiques. LitCrit Public Folder Events describes how the critique can be routed to an administrator for approval and messages sent to the reviewer when a critique is rejected.
- Update the FmLib database. LitCrit Public Folder Events includes information on the events that fire on public folders and run script that performs database updates.
- Allow access to the LitCrit public folder. Setting Permissions on the LitCrit Public Folder provides further details on assigning permissions and the consequences of allowing edits and deletes on the LitCrit public folder.
- Replicate the LitCrit public folder. Public folders support replication between servers in a site and between sites in an organization. The fact that they are replicated means that replication conflicts can occur in their content. The resolve method you specify for the public folder determines the outcome of the conflict.
- Support public folder affinity. Public folder affinity is the ability of a client application to access a public folder on another site, an alternative to replicating that folder to the local site.
LitCrit Public Folder Events
The Microsoft Exchange Server Scripting Agent lets you use server-side scripts that run as a result of events occurring in public folders. Such triggering events include timer events and actions such as posting, editing, or deleting a critique or the entire LitCrit public folder. When a critique is posted, edited, or deleted in the LitCrit public folder, events on the folder fire and launch their associated scripts. Processing Folder Events in Script describes in detail the scripts used by events on the LitCrit public folder. This is how the LitCrit public folder uses events:
- The Folder_onMessageCreated event fires when a critique is posted to the LitCrit public folder. The critique can be submitted from the CML Web application or posted from the LitCrit Outlook application.
- The Folder_onMessageDeleted event fires when a critique is deleted from the LitCrit public folder. The critique can be deleted from the LitCrit Outlook application when the permissions on the folder allow deletions. The CML has no delete functionality.
- The Folder_onTimer event fires when the timer on the folder expires. This event can be used to launch a script that sends a reminder message to the person responsible for approving critiques, when critiques are not approved in a timely fashion.
- The Message_onChanged event fires when a critique posting is changed. The critique can be resubmitted from the CML Web application or reposted from the LitCrit Outlook application. This event also fires when the title and author tables in the FmLib SQL Server database are updated.