Using Exchange Server in the CML/LitCrit Application
Microsoft® Exchange Server is the mail and collaboration server for the Fitch & Mather Corporation. Before being integrated, the LitCrit Outlook® and critique-enhanced Corporate Media Library (CML) applications used the following Exchange Server components:
- F & M Exchange directory provides information about Fitch & Mather employees who check titles out of the library and submit critiques to the LitCrit public folder and the FmLib SQL Server™ database.
- F & M Exchange information store holds the contents of the LitCrit public folder — that is, all the critiques that are posted there. The properties on the LitCrit Outlook form that are not of interest to the CML or require a rich text format (RTF) available in Outlook but not in SQL Server are only stored in the public information store and not copied to the FmLib SQL Server database.