F & M Exchange Directory

The Microsoft Exchange Server directory is the source of information for the borrower table in the FmLib SQL Server database. The LitCrit Outlook application and the critique enhancements to the CML add and update records in the FmLib borrower table with information from the Exchange directory. When a critique is submitted and the reviewer chooses to make the critique available to the CML, information about the reviewer (first and last names, alias, location, phone number, title, and department) is copied from the Exchange directory to the SQL Server borrower table.

The UpdateInfoFromExchange method of the CML's User COM component (for source code, see User.cls) illustrates how you access Exchange directory information and populate or update columns in the borrower table. Directory information, namely the reviewer's first and last names, also appears on the LitCrit Outlook form.

To summarize, the Exchange directory information is used to: