Data Elements and Data Stores

The user-interface design for the Outlook® and browser clients, described in Designing the CML/LitCrit User-Services Tier, specifies the data elements required for critique functionality. The LitCrit Outlook form contains not only data-entry fields but also hidden properties that are used by scripts triggered by events on the LitCrit public folder. These scripts are used to route messages and to facilitate updates and deletions to the FmLib Critique table.

All properties on the LitCrit Outlook form are stored in the Microsoft® Exchange information store. The FmLib SQL Server™ database Critique table also contains some of these elements. Additional columns in the Critique table are foreign keys that define relationships to other tables and data that maps FmLib records to Exchange messages. For more information, see Storing Data Redundantly in SQL Server and Exchange.

The following table lists the form's data elements (Outlook form properties, Exchange directory object attributes, SQL Server table columns) and the data stores in which they reside.

Data element Exchange store SQL Server table
Reviewer first name Directory Borrower table
Reviewer last name Directory Borrower table
Reviewer job title Directory Borrower table
Title ID (bib#) Information store Title table
Title Information store Title table
Media type Information store Title table
Average overall rating   Title table
Author first name Information store* Author table
Author last name Information store* Author table
Critique ID (critique#) Information store Critique table
Critique date Information store Critique table
Critique title Information store Critique table
Critique text Information store  
Technical level rating Information store
Job relevance rating Information store
Clarity of presentation rating Information store
Overall rating Information store Critique table
Object ID Information store Critique table
Approval status   Critique table
Automatic approval Information store Settings table
Approver e-mail Information store Settings table
Maximum title results   Settings table

* First and last names are stored in one field.