Setting Up Outlook Web Access

You can install Outlook® Web Access (OWA) files during Microsoft® Exchange Server setup. Microsoft Exchange Server can be installed on the same Windows NT® Server computer as Internet Information Server (IIS), or it can be installed on a different Windows NT Server computer that can be accessed by the server where Outlook Web Access is installed. When installing OWA and Microsoft Exchange Server on the same computer, the WWW service in IIS must be enabled.

To install OWA using Microsoft Exchange Server setup

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BackOffice, and then click Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Setup.
  2. Click Add BackOffice Server Components in the BackOffice Server Add or Remove Programs dialog box. Click Next.
  3. Select the Custom option on the BackOffice Business Solutions page. Click Next.
  4. Expand the Exchange Server node on the BackOffice Server Programs and their Components page. Select to install Outlook Web Access. Click Next.
  5. Continue to click Next until the BackOffice Server Component Installation page appears, and installation begins.

Note  You can verify that OWA has been installed by launching Internet Explorer and typing "http://localhost/exchange" in the Address window. If you have previously selected to install the Internet Starter Site (INETKIT) from the BackOffice® Server installation disks, OWA will already be installed. If this is the case, you can skip these steps and resume deployment with the Adding the LitCrit Form to Outlook Web Access procedure.