The original features of the Corporate Media Library (CML) application are in place. Their implementation is discussed in the following sections:
For this scenario, additional features have been added. Their implementation is discussed in the following sections:
A few changes not related to the creation of the LitCrit application or its integration with the CML application have also been made and are described in the section Enhancements to the CML.
For information on the design work that preceded the implementation of these features, see the following sections:
As with all scenarios of the BackOfficeŽ Developer's Guide (BDG), complete source code for the current sample application is available. This is the case whether you have the BDG on a distribution CD or have downloaded it from the Web (see Installing the CML/LitCrit Application). Moreover, to view the .asp, .sql, .inc, and other files containing this source code, you need not search for them on disk. You can also find them within the BDG document in the section Code Listings and Object Reference. Many topics that use code to discuss implementation techniques contain hyperlinks that you can click to see the code file being discussed.