IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit Message Class

This form is used for creating new critiques, reading posted critiques, and editing critiques of your own that have already been approved. As you can see, the Others page is the only page with both a compose and a read version.

Message class Page name Version Writeable fields Usage notes Subsequent event
IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit HalfRead (Only one version) Critique fields only Used for composing new critiques and submitting them, after choosing a title in the Choose Title dialog box. Also used for editing one's own critique that has been approved and for which a bib# exists in the FmLib database. (Because the title has been resolved in both these cases, title fields are not editable.) Clicking Post triggers the Folder_OnMessageCreated event; this creates a form of the IPM.Post.ToApprover class. Clicking Save triggers the Message_OnChange event.
IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit Others Compose All Used for composing new critiques and submitting them after not having chosen a title in the Choose Title dialog box. In other words, there is no connection to the CML application's FmLib database. Clicking Post triggers the Folder_OnMessageCreated event.
IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit Others Read None Used for reading a critique in the public folder by a person other than the one who wrote the critique. (No event)
IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit CurrentUser (Only one version) All Used to edit one's own critique when the variable ApprovalRequired has the value 0 (critiques need not be approved), and no bib# for this title was found in the FmLib database. (The title has not been resolved, so title fields are editable.) Clicking Save triggers the Message_OnChange event.
IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit Browser (Only one version) None This page contains only one control: the WebBrowser ActiveX® control, which is used to open a specified Web page, install.htm. The purpose of this page is to download the .cab file that contains LitCritC.dll, if necessary. (No event)