What Happened to the Script?

Microsoft Outlook forms contain one page on which all script resides. This script often makes use of objects and events in the Microsoft Outlook Object Model. Because Outlook objects and events are not available in the HTML environment, the original script no longer applies. For this reason, the existence of script is noted in the To-do.txt file, which reminds developers to re-create the original script functionality in code that can run in the HTML environment.

Different Object Model

Because the script language of the original Outlook form — Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) — is the same as that of the destination HTML form, this presents no obstacle. But a different object model is in use. The original Microsoft Outlook form uses the Outlook Object Model (OOM) to recognize and understand user-initiated interactions with controls, and respond to them. Doing this in the destination HTML form requires using DHTML to respond to user interactions to the HTML form's controls.