About the frmRoot.asp File

This is the generated form's main entry point. It includes script and an HTML frameset that houses the form's remaining components. When opening this file, if command=new was requested on the URL, a new CDO Message object is created. Otherwise, frmRoot acquires a CDO Message object matching the objectID indicated on the URL. Either way, the Message object is then cached at Session scope for use by the remaining form components.

In addition to the path to frmRoot.asp and the parameter command=open, the URL also contains the acs= parameter, which specifies the type of access, anonymous or authenticated.

Depending on whether your form is in read or compose mode, the frameset is generated with the appropriate ASP page files. See The Form's Generated Pages for more information.

The frameset that frmRoot.asp builds contains three frames:


This is the visible frame positioned nearest the top of the screen. It contains the form's title bar and tab bar. Its main purpose is to handle form commands, including all the toolbar buttons and "change page" commands from the tab bar. For forms with multiple pages, it contains tabs that users can click to display those pages that are available. The following code prepares to show the Message.asp page if the viewing mode is compose, and the Message-Read.asp page if the viewing mode is anything else (read).

Dim bstrTabMainFiles(7)
iCurTab = 1
If bstrFormMode = "compose" Then
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Message.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Stock_Attachments.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Message-Read.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Stock_Attachments.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
End If

Later in the file, the page is actually shown, using an HTML FRAME tag:

<FRAME SRC="<%=bstrTabMainFiles(1)%>?obj=<%=bstrObj%>" name=form_fr  noresize marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=auto>


This is a custom page whose name was generated during form conversion from the EnhancedLitCrit form's HalfRead page. To create this page, the Form Converter used a basic page template and merged in the results of converting the original form's page.

As with other pages of the form, this page contains a single <FORM> tag so that bound field values can be submitted to the server.


This is a hidden page that implements various utility functions and event handlers to make the rest of the form function smoothly. Among the actions this file performs are the following:


This file stores the form's display name and code page. You can also use this file to hide the form from the pickform.asp file of Microsoft Outlook Web Access. Hiding a form in this way prevents users from opening it except in targeted cases, for example as a response to an approve/deny-request form.

The form.ini file for the EnhancedLitCrit form is shown here:


In this file, the 0 value of the Hidden variable indicates that the form can be selected in Microsoft Outlook Web Access through the pickform.asp file. To hide the form, use the assignment:
