Finding the Critique Public Folder

To find the generated form, the CML/LitCrit application uses application settings that specify the Microsoft Exchange Server computer and a path to the LitCrit public folder. The default installation location of the files of Outlook Web Access (OWA) within the installation of Microsoft Exchange Server is known, as is the location of generated forms, which are placed into the OWA folder hierarchy.

Still, the files of the generated form require an entryID of the LitCrit public folder in which the message object (containing the critique's values) resides. One way to find this entryID is to open the form and then open a message of the appropriate message class. At that point, the entryID is visible on the URL shown in the address field of the form; you can copy it onto the "public folder" field on the Application Settings page of the CML/LitCrit application.

Entering the Public Folder Name

When an administrator enters the setting for the public folder name on the AppSettings.asp page, the CML/LitCrit application needs to resolve that name — that is, to turn it into an objectID for the public folder. The application uses CDO to perform this resolution. First, a CDO session is established, meaning that the application logs on to CDO.

When an administrator types in a name for the public folder, the application looks up the objectID of the folder by browsing the InfoStores collection of the public folder store and using the typed-in path to find the folder itself. Then the entryID of the folder, a property on that object, can be retrieved. The default name for this folder is "review," but the administrator can change it to any other name or input any other path.

Using the EntryID

After the administrator types in the folder name and the application generates the entryID of the public folder, this entryID is used in the links to individual critiques that have been posted. This lets users browse critiques that have been submitted (and stored in the Critique table in the FmLib database). To make this possible, the critique's entryID, retrieved from the Critique table, is combined with the public folder ID and passed to the Outlook Web Access form as a URL parameter to open the critique form.

About CDO Logons

CDO logons are of two types: anonymous and authenticated. Of the two, an anonymous CDO session has fewer rights, but it still has enough to search within the public folder hierarchy and look up the object ID of the folder. To log on anonymously, the CML/LitCrit application uses the CDO Session.Logon function and passes an LDAP path to the configuration container:


After this value is passed in the Session.Logon call, it resolves itself to a Microsoft Exchange Server server name, connects to the server over the network, and logs in anonymously.

Additional Deployment Considerations

To run the Outlook Web Access form, you need to install both Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook Web Access at the same time. Outlook Web Access is a custom installation option of Microsoft Exchange Server.

The CML/LitCrit application uses both Internet Information Server (which is running on the Web server on which CML/LitCrit is installed) and an RDS control, which retrieves data from Microsoft SQL Server™. The application launches a form that uses RDS, which needs to communicate through IIS to the CML/LitCrit computer. But the server name passed is the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server computer, though it's the name of the IIS computer RDS needs. This means that for the AdvancedSearch method of the Search COM component to work, you need to install Microsoft Exchange Server and IIS on the same computer along with the CML/LitCrit Search COM component. However, this IIS installation can be on a different computer than the CML/LitCrit and SQL Server computer.