Files Added to the Generated Form

Only one file was created and added to the files of the generated HTML form: This file of entirely new code is included in the frmRoot.asp file. performs the following actions:

It sets the sGUID constant, to be used when referencing custom fields:

Const sGUID = "{2903020000000000C000000000000046}" also stores the definition of the MediaImage function, which is described in Making the Form's Images Display.

It contains subroutines that set the initial values of visible and hidden fields. These subroutines, SetApproverInfo and SetTitleInfo, use the SetInitialValue subroutine, which is defined in, a file generated by the Form Converter. also contains the subroutine SetLitCritFieldsFromURL, which calls SetApproverInfo and SetTitleInfo.

When these subroutines are called, they set values on fields in the form, using values retrieved from various places. For example, some are passed to frmRoot.asp (which includes on the URL line from the critiques.asp file in the CML Web application. These values are retrieved using the ASP Request.QueryString method.

Other field values are retrieved using CDO. For example, the following line uses the CDO Session object to retrieve the display name of the person who has just requested to open the form:

sUserName = objOMSession.CurrentUser.Name