Location of Generated Files

After the HTML form is converted, its files are saved to disk in a folder determined by its message class, within the folder hierarchy of Outlook Web Access. For example, the default location for forms in an OWA installation is this:

<server name>\ExchSrvr\WEBDATA\USA\FORMS\

Note  Under WEBDATA, the folder tree can branch, according to language. The LitCrit example shows the path on systems where English (USA) is set as the default on the Microsoft Exchange Server computer.

Under the folder that designates language are other folders that correspond to base message classes, such as IPM\POST and IPM\NOTE. Under these folders, new folders are created for custom forms. For example, the new files that make up the EnhancedLitCrit form are placed into the following folder:

<server name>\ExchSrvr\WEBDATA\USA\FORMS\IPM\POST\EnhancedLitCrit

Note  The Todo.txt file is placed in the same folder as the other generated files. For a form of the IPM.Post.EnhancedLitCrit message class, this is the <server name>\ExchSrvr\WEBDATA\USA\FORMS\IPM\POST\EnhancedLitCrit folder.