Changing Files Generated for LitCrit

The files generated by the Form Converter were for the most part left as they were created. The first change was the removal of visible table borders, as described in Remove Table Borders. The other changes are discussed in this topic.

Opening Page_3.asp from frmRoot.asp

The frmRoot.asp file, the first of the generated form's files that is accessed by the CML application (through critiques.asp), was changed so that the Page_3.asp file would be opened to let people submit new critiques. As generated, it was opening the message.asp file. Page_3.asp is the name given to the ASP page generated from the HalfRead page of the EnhancedLitCrit form.

The second line in the following code shows this change:

If bstrFormMode = "compose" Then
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Page_3.asp" '--- WAS: "Message.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Stock_Attachments.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Message-Read.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
bstrTabMainFiles(iCurTab) = "Stock_Attachments.asp"
  iCurTab = iCurTab + 1
End If

Making the Form's Images Display

Near the top of the LitCrit form you can see a generalized image of various library items: books, tapes/videos, magazines, and software. The original Microsoft Outlook application shows this picture, which changes when the user clicks the option buttons to set the media type. The four .gif files used for this display are: Book.gif, AudioVideo.gif, Periodicals.gif, and Software.gif.

Problems were encountered after the form was converted and all of them were fixed. Here are those problems, presented with their solutions:

Referencing Custom Fields

You can reference any custom field on the form with the following GUID: {2903020000000000C000000000000046}. This number is stored as the sGUID constant in (see Files Added to the Generated Form). For example, to obtain the value of the "Media" field (a text field that holds values such as "book" or "software"), you could use the following string, to specify one field in the Fields collection of the message:


Using the sGUID constant makes this reference easier:

objOneMsg.Fields(sGUID & "Media"))

The generalized way to reference any user-defined field is as follows:

objOneMsg.Fields(sGUID & "<user defined field>"))