ChooseTitle Method

The ChooseTitle method (a public subroutine in the client-side Critique component) is called from the LitCrit Outlook® client, the enhanced LitCrit form; the method performs the following tasks:

Seven parameters — BibNo, Title, Authors, MediaType, ObjectID, Logon, and ServerName — are passed to this method. Return values are provided for five — BibNo, Title, Authors, MediaType, and ObjectID. The five output parameters are passed ByRef and must be of data type Variant because Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), used in the LitCrit Outlook form, recognizes only the Variant data type. The Logon and ServerName parameters are of data type String and are passed ByVal because they are not used by the LitCrit script. When the Choose Title dialog box first appears these parameters are blank.

The following table summarizes the ChooseTitle method parameter information.

Parameter name How passed Data type Used in VBScript
BibNo ByRef Variant Yes
Title ByRef Variant Yes
Authors ByRef Variant Yes
MediaType ByRef Variant Yes
ObjectID ByRef Variant Yes
Logon ByVal String No
ServerName ByVal String No

The complete code for the ChooseTitle method is available in Critique.cls Client Side COM Component in the code section.