FoundTitle Object

The FoundTitle object is a private class in the client-side Critique component that contains seven PropertyGet and seven PropertyLet procedures — a PropertyGet and a PropertyLet procedure for each of the seven elements used by the ListView control of the Choose Title dialog box. This component is instantiated by the LoadCollection method in the TitleMatch object when the user clicks Find in the ChooseTitle dialog box.

You can think of the set of properties in the FoundTitle object as representing a row with seven fields. The purpose of the object is to assign a value to each property for each record returned by the AdvancedSearch method and then let the calling method (the LoadCollection method) add all the properties to a collection as one instance of the FoundTitle object,. For example, if the AdvancedSearch method returns a recordset with 12 records to the LoadCollection method, the collection will contain 12 items and each item will have 7 fields. Code that runs after the user clicks Find loads this collection into the ListView control in the ChooseTitle dialog box.

The properties of the FoundTitle object are:

Declarations PropertyGet PropertyLet
Private m_authors As String Authors Authors
Private m_bibNo As Long BibNo BibNo
Private m_objectid As Long ObjectID ObjectID
Private m_mediatype As String MediaType MediaType
Private m_pubdate As Date PubDate PubDate
Private m_reviewStatus As ReviewStatus ReviewStatus ReviewStatus
Private m_title As String Title Title

The complete code for the FoundTitle method is available in Critique.cls Client Side COM Component in the code section.