Using CDO in the CML/LitCrit Application

Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) is a technology for building messaging or collaboration applications. CDO is used in various ways in the CML/LitCrit application, including to read from the LitCrit public folder in the Microsoft® Exchange Server information store. For an illustration and brief description of this data flow, see Data Flow Between Internet Explorer and Exchange Server.

About the CDO Libraries

The CML/LitCrit application uses elements from the following two CDO libraries:

The CML/LitCrit application does not use the Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT® Server (CDONTS) library. CDO is a more appropriate choice for the LitCrit application because the focus of CDONTS is Web messaging — using the SMTP server component of Internet Information Server — and not the message- and field-manipulation tasks performed for LitCrit by CDO.

CDO Usage in CML/LitCrit

The following parts of the combined CML/LitCrit application use CDO:

As you can see from the preceding list, it is the scripting elements of CML/LitCrit, not the compiled CML/LitCrit COM components, that use CDO.